The Prophet Is Too Busy For You!

The Visa Story!

My friend’s lifelong dream of travelling to the US was dashed recently. The whole office knew he was going for a visa interview. He had his ashrishrishri game on like no one’s business. In fact Frank’s ashrishri game is so tight I was sure the consular was going to confuse him for a childhood friend. but alas, that was not to be.

The busy consular didn’t care who the heck my friend was or the non-refundable dollars at stake here. He was too busy and he just wasn’t buying my friend’s story. So there and then nor he bounced the guy. M)b)! 

When they handed back his passport, he walked out of there with an epic silly face. He decided that if he returned to the office sad, everyone would guess that he’d been bounced. He couldn’t take that, so he returned more jovial than ever, dancing foolishly random office music and chatting everyone up in overkill mode!

The laughter I laughed that day almost lost me all the respect my office people have for me. It was serious and funny all at once. 

My key take-out? Sometimes the person you need to help you reach your next level may be too busy to listen or care enough.  

What Does It Have To Do With You?

You get a nightmare, you pick your phone to call the ojashious pastor and you’re offended he didn’t pick or return the call?

You queue up to talk to the man of God after church and wait half an hour for your turn. But all you get is ‘God bless you my sister’ as he turns to the next person, leaving you to wonder where to pass with the hour-long problems. You move from prophetic service to another, just longing for hands to be laid on you so that something will break or come out of you. My sister, read my lips; the prophet is too busy for you!

What’s your name again? He’s like the consular officer my friend got. Which is not a bad thing. He’s just one man, look how many people go to him, what do you expect? But what I don’t get is why at all you feel it’s only by his hand that God can move for you. You yourself you don’t know who you are eh? You’ve used connectionboys and middlemen for driving licence and just about everything else so you feel you need same for God. What you need is a good understanding of what Jesus’ resurrection means for you. Periodt! 

God has made it such that everyone can come boldly into His presence. You are just as welcome and loved as the Archbishop. Don’t let ignorance make you beg for your inheritance. You plead for things that only require you to possess in faith. The only difference between you and the prophet whose prayer you so long for is knowledge and audacity.

What’s the Formula?

It’s just a matter of spending more time with God and continuously yielding to him. Keep gnawing at this one question; What does the death and resurrection of Jesus mean for me and my identity? What audacity does it give me? That’s all!

I love how Jentzen Franklin relates spiritual authority to having a bank account. Everyone has one, but the amount you’re able to write on a cheque depends on how much you believe is in your account. Odii seems more powerful because he has a better understanding of his account balance. 

If you keep at it, you’ll gradually notice an increase in your audacity and ability to affect reality by our simple prayers. 

That fam, is how to wean yourself from the over dependence on pastors. I think the only person we should over depend on is the same person the pastors over depend on; God. Know Him for yourself. You’ll be shocked just how easier life becomes when you don’t need a middleman or a ‘consular officer’ for every single ‘visa application’. 

Okay then…let’s catch up again soon and share testimonies, shall we?

PS: Leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you. Also, feel free to also share!

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