Once Upon A Time… There once lived a cock we shall caaaalll…Aboagye. Aboagye came about as the result of a 3 second orgasm. Then his mom egged him out and warmed him up and after some weeks hatched him with his siblings. As a chick, there was nothing remarkable about Aboagye. He longed for the […]

The Visa Story! My friend’s lifelong dream of travelling to the US was dashed recently. The whole office knew he was going for a visa interview. He had his ashrishrishri game on like no one’s business. In fact Frank’s ashrishri game is so tight I was sure the consular was going to confuse him for a childhood friend. but […]

But wait o, you saw that The New Goldinwords was back in action, and you thought that #TeleTuesdays wouldn’t come back also??? Ei! Your faith needs some fertilizer! Don’t mind me though, I’m glad to be back and I look forward to more opportunities to reconnect over here with you all, and I hope that […]


So glad you're here!

It was devastating when hackers messed up the original site; but it's become more like a blessing in disguise.Behold, our elegant re-birth! Let's have fun talking about weightier things on a lighter note, about romantic happenings we struggle to find the right words for. You will laugh, love and be inspired. Stay. Pretty please.
~Your Friends @ Goldinwords