Once Upon A Time…
There once lived a cock we shall caaaalll…Aboagye. Aboagye came about as the result of a 3 second orgasm. Then his mom egged him out and warmed him up and after some weeks hatched him with his siblings. As a chick, there was nothing remarkable about Aboagye. He longed for the day he could do what he saw dad doing to the nice girls. He took his time, ate his corn, played with his friends and then one day he realized his voice was breaking. The chicky chatter had become a manly cocky crow.
He caught a glimpse of himself in the area pond one day and couldn’t help noticing those fine red wattles dangling from his beak. Maaaan was he a maan! He tried hopping on an older hen who turned a romantic gesture into domestic assault. She chased him till he hid under the coop.
But Aboagye grew day by day, crowing religiously every dawn, announcing to all of Jerusalem that there was a cock in town and it was time to wake up. He’d stretch out his neck, point his beak into the sky and pour his soul into each crow. Little did he know that someday 3 of those crows would land him into the most famous book of all time; the Bible.
How Important Were His Crows?
You see it was the most dangerous time in the year for a fine full-bodied cock like himself. The climax of the Passover festival was hours away and the hundreds of thousands of Jews marked it with a huge feast. For a cock that lived so close to the High Priest’s house, his life expectancy was very low. It was very likely that he’d become meat in a soup bowl to mark a Passover feast that didn’t pass over him. Regardless, it didn’t stop him from crowing like he always did. ‘Ko-kro-kooooo’ he went. Then again…and then a third time.
By his crow, he further entrenched Jesus’ credentials as a true prophet. By his crow, Peter -the class prefect of the disciples- reached a turning point in his life and ministry. That third crow coincided with Peter’s 3rd denial of Christ. It taught him the lesson of Grace vs Works. Because he had sworn that he’d never deny Jesus and yet he did thrice, before Aboagye finished his routine. It became clear to him, that the anointing and favor he enjoyed were not by his might, but by God’s grace. This humbled him. It intensified his belief in Jesus. It was key to his evolution into one of the most relevant apostles of the faith we are so privileged to profess.
If Aboagye Could, You Can!
So it got me thinking; if even a cock with such a relatively inconsequential life could be so pivotal to God…whallaba you? You who’re hiding behind ‘who am I that he should be mindful of me’ excuses to do nothing. You who have convinced yourself with a pile of seemingly intelligent reasons why there’s no way God could make the mistake of entrusting you with any meaningful responsibility or ministry. I put it to you, that if He had a plan for a cock, He has a plan for you. And it may seem small and insignificant, but you have no idea how it’s impacting someone; Aboagye was just you know…doing his thang, but unkown to him, it was fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy. What prophecy is awaiting fulfilment because you in your infinite wisdom have decided you won’t use that ‘small gift’ he deposited in you?
His ways aren’t our ways neither are His thought ours, so don’t be logical about divinity. You cant grasp with your mind what’s meant for your spirit. Be diligent. No matter how small or insignificant the ‘burden’ he’s placed on your heart is, obey. He has a long history of achieving grand feats from innocuous deeds of obedient people.
Aboagye landed in the Bible because he obeyed the ‘burden’ to crow. There’s no telling where your obedience will send you. Yield. Just say “Holy Spirit, I yield to your leading. Your will be done. Amen.” You said it? Coolio! Hi 5!
Okay then…let’s catch up again soon and share testimonies, shall we?
PS: Leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you. Also, feel free to also share!
4 Responses
Glad to see you back in full swing Ben! To be honest I was wondering where this was going😂. Hoping to read more!
Glad to be back bro! Praying for grace to be consistent.
Ben nie! Great to have you back. Interestingly woven 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽
You’ve been missed too May! Happy to be back.