Wild Thoughts

Our minds are capable of creating the soundest and most logical rationales for the things we dread.

When COVID-19 started, it inspired some of the most amazing conspiracy theories. Some connected it to 5G technology and how it’s a prelude to the antichrist. They said the vaccine would be laced with some bio-tech to control our minds and lead us from loving God.

There’re so many endtime stories pointing to a near-future when a microchip inplant will become necessary to transact and live.

Know God for yourself

I have personally received frantic warnings from ‘spiritual papas’ I respect. I recognize -now more than ever- the danger of knowing God mainly through other people’s experiences or expectations. Especially in our ‘obey before complain’ culture, it is easy to form an opinion of God based on your reverence for a man. Don’t.

I’ve thought a lot about this. My conclusion isn’t actually mine, it’s from a book that’s been printed 5 billion times! The Bible aka that app on your phone which you plan to open but hardly get around to.

The Bible says that our body is His temple. It says that His Spirit joins himself with mine to declare that I am his child. Then it also says that nothing can separate me from His love (technology included). It says that his breadth and blood literally runs through my veins, etc.

Now, tell me how this is possible!

If this is true…if it is, and some technology (whether evil-inspired or not) succeeds in usurping Him, in robbing me of my salvation, then God is a liar. Surely that is way more unlikely than tech’s ability to steal me from Him.

Also, doesn’t it seem absurd that the transaction for your soul -paid with the blood of Christ- can be reversed by a microchip? I mean if all it takes to nullify Christ’s sacrifice is a rigged vaccine, then really…ahiaa give Christ?

Christ’s finished work is fear’s death certificate.

Fear is so seductive! It comes with wicked cleavage and serious body-con dress. Before you know it, you’ve forgotten that there’s a ‘Postinor 2’ for it. (Lol, I am conscious of the absurdity of this analogy but I just watched this Nigerian movie where Postinor 2 was key to the plot twist).

In simple words, understanding who you are in Christ terminates fear. Realizing the implication of His sacrifice on the cross and what it means for you and your identity terminates fear. Take time to understand the enormity and permanence of His love…that, terminates fear. One and only one of them can be more powerful; the thing you fear or the power of His love. Tell me, what is that thing that is greater than the power of His love?

Originally posted in Jan, 2018

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