I hate cliffhangers!

I just watched Avengers: Infinity wars. I’m not amused. I am not amused at all. I feel emotionally raped, bent and twisted in all kinds of ways. I’m too upset to care about revealing parts of the plot in explaining why I feel this way.

I clapped midway through when Thor returned to earth with his new axe. Then at the end, they didn’t end. They didn’t resolve the biggest conflict. They just left it there, hanging like a mango that’s refusing to get ripe and refusing to fall off! So I mtccheewed and cussed -holy style. They are no better than the Thanos villain they created. And worst of all, I’m ready to give my entire pay this month if they’d just tell me what’ll happen next 🙁

It was such a brilliant story so well told, with so many arches and swooshes, myyy goodness! And Thanos…what a villain! With all 5 stones, nigga is literally invincible. On his right arm he wears the stones that control time, power, soul, reality and vision. At the snap of his finger existence ceases. I cant possibly imagine how the sequel will treat him. What manner of ‘blowman’ can take on and defeat the one who controls time, power, soul, reality and vision??!!! Like no matter how you perm it or bend it, it’s just not possible!

Guess Who’s More Powerful Than Thanos.

But ah well, you can trust His Spirit in me to draw all kinds of unsuspecting conclusions and analysis. He said “Thanos is something isn’t he? ‘Invincible’, that’s how you describe him right? With time, power, soul, reality and vision under his will. You know if any of the Avengers had summoned the power in Jesus name against him, the Marvels studio people would have no sequel right? At least none with Thanos in it.”

“What…what do you mean?” I asked, and before He could say Jack, I- “Wait, I know what you mean.”

*Snickering* “Yes, you do.”

He has a name superior to all titles of authority in this world and the next.

All power in heaven, on earth and beneath has been given to me.

These fam, are the only two biblical references I will make. If they aren’t lies or exaggerations. If they are true and there is any chance that those two sentences up above are true….do. You. Have. Any. Idea. The. Kinda. Power. You’re. sitting. On?!!!

If you knew, that the way to activate such a power in you was believing in Christ, His death and resurrection, believing that He is the Messiah, the son of God, would you give it a shot? Because right there in 1 John 5:5, it’s written. Anyone who believes Christ is the son of God can overcome the world. If it’s true, would you want to find out?

Here’s How To Use That Power

Think of Thanos. Think of that…that…that presence. How he decimated a planet and used it as stones to bury his enemy. Think of how with a clench of his fist, half of all existence evaporated. And with all that, it’s nothing compared to the power in Jesus’ name. Now I’m not saying you should track down anyone who’s hurt you and use your power to relocate them or command your boss to sign your promotion papers in this manner…it doesn’t work like that.

It says here that; no one knows a person better than his spirit, in the same way no one (not prophet or arch bishop) knows God like His Spirit, and His Spirit lives in you. You have God’s operation manual living on the inside of you and when you yield to Him and become intimate with Him, He will teach you how to activate and use that power. Under His control, you will desire to use it in ways that glorify Him.

In Conclusion…

Watching Thanos in The Avengers gives an idea of the power at work in you…of course not for the Thanos application approach, but you will pray, decree and declare with much more audacity. When you see a 16 legged cockroach, or mysterious feather on your work desk, or have a nightmare. Should the light go off and you’re all alone in the house after a horror movie. When you’re up in the air and the plane has an epileptic fit, when you’re afraid of losing the one you love, remember…remember the power at work in you. The power at your disposal through your faith in Christ Jesus. Remember the fictional character Thanos and how much greater the reality you have is. Then sigh. Clench your fist. And whisper…”Thank you Jesus.”

There! You’re a super-duper hero. Woo hooo! Marvels got nothing on you!

Originally posted in May, 2018

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