Towards the end of every year, some of the funniest memes throw shade at people holding on to unmaterialized marriage prophesies. It’s funnier for married ones who are reminded of an ex who did them bad and is still single. I do think it’s funny, but just as funny…it’s dangerous.

Did it happen like you hoped?

I bet you’ve lost count of the number of broadcast blessings and prophesies you’ve chorused ‘Aaammeen’ to. Oyedepo said this is your year of xxxx. Your pastor said you’d achieve yyy this year. You’ve screamed ‘Aaaaammeenn’ to every prophesy you heard Bishop Dag proclaim on his Sweet Melodies radio show but alas, it’s December and…setewaa. When you take stock of all your unmaterialized prophesies, you could very easily get disappointed.

Over time, when you even say ‘Amen’ to prophetic statements, you subconsciously give God a ‘get out clause’. You mitigate what could be a disappointment in December by saying it routinely and not meaning it. I get it, you want to deny your enemies the joy of roasting you. Well done, ‘A’ for effort.

Yes, He said He will do much more than you can think of or imagine. He also said you will be the head and not the tail. Yes, He said the wealth of the wicked will be yours blah blah blah, so what’s with the no show?! The worst part is if you feel entitled because of tithes you’ve paid, sacrifices you’ve made, seeds you’ve sown etc. In your case it’s not just disappointment you feel, but rage as well. All those emotions clutter your mind.

What’s your ‘Amen’ anchored to?

Can I ask…when you say amen to nice things you hear, what’s it based on? Do you reason ‘Oh this pastor is powerful, if he says it, it will come true’ or ‘Well, it’s better to say amen and perhaps get disappointed than miss out on a breakthrough because I didn’t say ‘amen.’ What do I lose sha?’ What are you standing on fam? Because that makes a truck load of a difference.

The best way to receive from God is to know Him in Spirit and in truth. How can you expect that car when you can’t hear as He drops that idea in your heart that will bring you the resources to get it? Or the promised marriage when you don’t hear Him leading you away from that married man? How can you get that promotion when you aren’t utilizing the grace He’s given you to outperform?

The wife, car, money…those things that people see, they’re the smallest part of God’s blessings and your heritage. If you receive His Spirit as your closest friend and understand what you mean to Him and the price He paid so you can legitimately call Him ‘Father my Father!’ you’ll realize that the glam and material stuff are the excreta of the real blessing. Yes, you will ride that car and have a great marriage, but you will enjoy His relationship much more and that relationship will make you enjoy the material blessings even more!

Don’t do this!

Don’t make the mistake of equating ‘unmaterialized prophesies’ to the extent of God’s existence and love for you. He has already made the ultimate gesture and paid the ultimate price for your heart. Don’t cheapen his proof of interest in you with things you haven’t received yet. Also, don’t fool yourself with the thought that ‘But those silly school girls don’t even fear you and they get pregnant so easily, whilst I your daughter am barren.’ Or ‘what about those people who don’t pray or do anything and keep succeeding?’ Don’t be fooled by what you see fam. There’s always a price to pay. Always. Some don’t pay with their sweat, but do with their peace, or their fulfilment or something that will completely escape your sight.

So as the year draws to an end, translate all the emotions you feel about unmaterialized expectations into a consciousness of the need to know Him better. He wasn’t kidding when He asked to seek Him first. It’s an obvious approach we forget so easily. Minus you, or?

PS: Leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to also share if you feel someone else would like this.