I Speak English And Tongues!

In the beginning… I used to have a gentleman’s agreement with the devil; I stay out of your business, you stay out of mine. Whilst others sing about trampling you, I’ll whistle and look the other way. When they ask us to pray and clap as if we’re slapping you, I’ll just pocket and say […]

How Kelewele Ended A Marriage!

From ‘Just kidding’ to ‘its over!’ -How? I’ve heard that marriages have ended over toothpaste; husband squeezes from the middle, wife from the bottom, wahala, over. Cutlery recently ended another marriage. Hubby was put off when wife didn’t bring food with cutlery, wife couldn’t believe hubby couldn’t appreciate the effort she’d put into making food […]

I Used To Be A Saint…

I see such a bright future ahead of you, my dear boy. You make beautiful arguments and have a strong moral compass, yet I worry about the temptations that await you. What will become of you when promotions come and mentors suggest meetings that don’t sit well with your spirit? Will you forget the you who believed in treating people fairly when your bonus is the size of a whole department’s annual salary? Clutch to the things that make you you, for it is possible to become greater than you ever imagined without losing yourself.

The Devil In A Thong!

True story. True true story: A guy recently joins this company in Accra. It’s his second week and he’s presenting to the entire company. It is his first assignment since joining and the strategy he is presenting is vital. His Dell laptop is connected to the projector, blowing up his computer screen unto the wall […]

Pastors With Sidechics- How Come?

The Bodies Are Mine… It’s not easy to be anointed o. Anointing itself is sexy. Super-hot ladies nod to your profound wisdom and are smitten by your counsel. They get goosebumps when you smile, but it’s hard to tell if it’s The Spirit at work or their feelings. Many times though, it’s ‘anointed men’ who […]

Show Me Your Particulars, Baby.

Shanniqua The first woman I officially loved and dated, I met in a chatroom -clubgh.com- I think that’s what it was called. I was ‘Shining knight’ and she was ‘Shanniqua’. I had just conquered Presec Legon and she’d just finished Gey Hey. She lived in the same area I was born and grew up in. […]