I can be very impatient. That’s why I love binge watching Game of Thrones. I want to fast forward past all those merciless cliff hangers and just bloody know what happens when winter comes!!!

I’m also quite lazy, but not the bad kind. I’m the good kind of lazy…I can explain. My job is a combination of strategising and coming up with creative ideas, writing ads, making presentations and pitching on what clients should spend their marketing budget on. Forgive my modesty, but I rock! I’ve been asked a few times “How do you do it Ben?” My answer always shocks; “Laziness. The disdain of having to do something all over again is greater motivation than anything else. I don’t want to do all that work again, so I put everything into getting it right the first time.” It doesn’t always work, but it does.

I also dread regret. I will do anything to avoid that rubbish feeling that comes when you think back to something and realize you could have salvaged a situation if you’d acted differently.

So my impatience, ‘laziness’ and regret-phobia have all culminated into this nugget I’m about to spill.


The Bible is so huge, so many books and chapters. Where does the foreplay end and where does the action actually begin? Do I need to read eeeevverrryyy word from Gen to Revelation to get it? Father there must be a way!


Father, I cant afford to understand wrongly. I cant remain stagnant and repeatedly take the same class over again till I finally graduate to deeper revelations. I want to take each class as few times as possible!


It will be hell in heaven to realize the greatness I could have achieved in my life if I’d only believed right. Imagine living in fear only to find out that because of His life in me, I was rather the nightmare of the thing I was afraid of!

So all these have recently led me to the exciting discovery I’m happy to live my entire life by. It’s made me impatient to a lot of ‘sermons’ and intolerant to a lot of ‘prophets’ and ‘preachers’. They spend hours and hours talking about everything but what matters most; Christ.

The point of it all!

Fam, if you fully understand what Christ’s death, burial and resurrection means for you, you’re more powerful than 80% of ‘Christians’.  After decades of a historic ministry the apostle who’s more qualified than any pastor alive said “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection…”;  It’s great to memorize the commandments, know about David, Moses, Esther and all the other matriarchs and patriarchs, but they must all be in the context of Christ; his sacrificial death and resurrection.

Why did Christ die for you? What does His sacrifice entitle you to? Do you know the privileges you have through him that you won’t have had otherwise? What does it mean to bear God’s stamp of ownership on you? Do you know what it means to rule with Christ in heavenly places? What does it mean for God’s spirit to join himself to your spirit and declare that you are His child? Do you get what it means to be the temple of the Holy Spirit? What should it mean to you that ‘having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.’ How do all these things benefit you?

What Happens Next?

Fam, you will see yourself transform in your own eyes when things start sinking in. It mutes the noise of ‘new age wisdom’, of things that punch holes in your faith and make it seem better to just be a regular guy with a regular side chic and regular wild wild thoughts.

So, do maintain a healthy appetite for all things Biblical, but be extra aggressive, extra rapacious with things that teach you about the implications of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, about being a new creature.

Be extra aggressive, extra rapacious with things that teach you about the implications of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, about being a new creature.

Dont Forget!!

That is the essence of true Christianity. It’s the ‘killer bewu last show’ scene, it’s the knowledge that will indemnify you from any kind of regret at any present or future time.

Cut to the chase, forget the Obinim stickers; know Christ, and the power of His resurrection. Got it?

PS: Leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to also share if you feel someone else would like this.