Do All Prophesies Come To Pass?

Towards the end of every year, some of the funniest memes throw shade at people holding on to unmaterialized marriage prophesies. It’s funnier for married ones who are reminded of an ex who did them bad and is still single. I do think it’s funny, but just as funny…it’s dangerous. Did it happen like you […]

Pastors With Sidechics- How Come?

The Bodies Are Mine… It’s not easy to be anointed o. Anointing itself is sexy. Super-hot ladies nod to your profound wisdom and are smitten by your counsel. They get goosebumps when you smile, but it’s hard to tell if it’s The Spirit at work or their feelings. Many times though, it’s ‘anointed men’ who […]

Show Me Your Particulars, Baby.

Shanniqua The first woman I officially loved and dated, I met in a chatroom I think that’s what it was called. I was ‘Shining knight’ and she was ‘Shanniqua’. I had just conquered Presec Legon and she’d just finished Gey Hey. She lived in the same area I was born and grew up in. […]

I Don’t Want To Be Like My Father!

In the 70s, 80s and early 90s, there was no social media, the world wasn’t as fast moving as it is now so married men found entertainment in-between the thighs of house helps and other mistresses. I doubt I know someone without a stepsibling; even I have a couple myself. It’s like the norm of […]

This Bazooka Wants To Fire For You!

I am suspicious of people who don’t like action films; Denzel Washington kind, Mission impossible, Jason Bourne, Bruce Lee, Marvels… I could keep going! Like how can’t all that gbossh gboosh cha and GBA-GA-GA-GA-GA excite you? I love how when it seems like it’s all over for the blowman, he magically grabs a weapon that […]

God and Thanos: Infinity War.

I hate cliffhangers! I just watched Avengers: Infinity wars. I’m not amused. I am not amused at all. I feel emotionally raped, bent and twisted in all kinds of ways. I’m too upset to care about revealing parts of the plot in explaining why I feel this way. I clapped midway through when Thor returned […]

Christianity in 4 Minutes! For Us ‘Lazier Than Thous’.

I can be very impatient. That’s why I love binge watching Game of Thrones. I want to fast forward past all those merciless cliff hangers and just bloody know what happens when winter comes!!! I’m also quite lazy, but not the bad kind. I’m the good kind of lazy…I can explain. My job is a […]

What If Joseph Had Yielded To Her?

I’m thinking of Potiphar’s wife right now. I’m thinking of that baaad body. That long silky hair. I’m thinking of her sweet scent and delicate make up. No, think about it, the Egyptians figured out eyeliners waaay before L’Oreal came around. Also recognize that the average Egyptian wife of a commoner was hot…how much more […]

God, Do What I Want, Or Else….

Growing up, I’d always given the title of the wildest prophet to the fire-calling ones like Elijah. Or Moses who touched the sea with a stick and split it in two. Or Elisha whose dry bones raised a dead man….like these are some serious k3ch3 o. So it took me by surprise when Jesus said […]